発表 2017
Effect of solvent vapor annealing on organic photovoltaics with a new type of
solution-processable oligothiophene-based elctronic donor material
Yuki Akiyama, Hiroaki Tachibana, Reiko Azumi, Tetsuhiko Miyadera,
Masayuki Chikamatsu, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Shuhei Yagi, and Hiroyuki Yaguchi
27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (4ThPo.136) (Otsu, Japan) 2017. 11. 16
Real-time x-ray diffraction analysis for solvent vapor annealing process of small-molecule fullerene films
Tetsuhiko Miyadera, Koji Arai, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Yuki Akiyama, Hiroaki Tachibana, Yuji Yoshida,
Masayuki Chikamatsu, Shuhei Yagi, and Hiroyuki Yaguchi
27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (4ThPo.143) (Otsu, Japan) 2017. 11. 16
First-princiles study of optical transitions in gallium arsenide:nitrogen delta-doped superlattices
Hiroki Yoshikawa, Shuhei Yagi, and Hiroyuki Yaguchi
27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (6ThPo.187) (Otsu, Japan) 2017. 11. 16
Influence of nitrogen atomic arrangement in GaAsN alloys on band gap energy
Kazuki Miyajima, Shuhei Yagi, Y. Shoji, Yoshitaka Okada, and Hiroyuki Yaguchi
27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (6ThPo.190) (Otsu, Japan) 2017. 11. 16
Nanostructured Dilute Nitride Alloys for High-Efficiency Solar Cells
Shuhei Yagi, Yoshitaka Okada, and Hiroyuki Yaguchi
International Symposium on
Novel Energy Nanomaterials, Catalysts and Surfaces for Future Earth
-Material Research, Characterization and Imaging by In situ/Operando XAFS and X-ray Techniques-
UEC 100th Anniversary Commemorative Event
(IN15) (Chofu, Japan) 2017. 10. 30
First-principles study of optical transitions in dilute nitride semiconductor nanostructures
Hiroyuki Yaguchi, Shuhei Yagi, and Kengo Takamiya
6th International Workshop on Epitaxial Growth and Fundamental Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures (Como, Italy) 2017. 9. 28
CH3NH3PbI3 Epitaxial Film with Atomically Smooth Surface Fabricated
by IR Laser Deposition Method
Tetsuhiko Miyadera, Yuto Auchi, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Hiroyuki Yaguchi,
Yuji Yoshida, Masayuki Chikamatsu
3rd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (C1.06) (Oxford, UK) 2017. 9. 20
秋⼭ 雄希, 橘 浩昭, 阿澄 玲⼦, 宮寺 哲彦, 近松 真之, ⼋⽊ 修平, ⽮⼝ 裕之
第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (5p-PA3-7) (福岡) 2017. 9. 5
宮島 数喜, ⼋⽊ 修平, 庄司 靖, 岡⽥ ⾄崇, ⽮⼝ 裕之
第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (5p-C21-1) (福岡) 2017. 9. 5
⾼橋 渉, ⾼宮 健吾, ⼋⽊ 修平, 伊藤 隆, 秋⼭ 英⽂, ⽮⼝ 裕之
第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (6p-PA7-1) (福岡) 2017. 9. 6
根岸 知華, ドゥラル ハク, 福⽥ 武司, 鎌⽥ 憲彦, ⽮⼝ 裕之
第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (6p-A503-3) (福岡) 2017. 9. 6
Detection of non-radiative recombination in GaAs:N δ-doped superlattice
M. D. Haque, Norihiko Kamata, Takeshi Fukuda, Zentaro Honda, Shuhei Yagi, Hiroyuki Yaguchi, and Yoshitaka Okada
29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ThB1-1) (Matsue, Japan) 2017. 8. 3
Biexciton emission from single quantum-confined structures in N-polar (000-1) InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells
Kengo Takamiya, Shuhei Yagi, Hiroyuki Yaguchi, Hidefumi Akiyama, Kanako Shojiki, T. Tanikawa, and Ryuji Katayama
12th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (A2.19) (Strasbourg, France) 2017. 7. 26
Radiative and nonradiative recombination
processes via intermediate band in GaPN by
two-wavelength excited photoluminescence
Chika Negishi, Norihiko Kamata, Md Dulal Haque, Takeshi Fukuda,
and Hiroyuki Yaguchi
12th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (B2.46) (Strasbourg, France) 2017. 7. 26
Electrical characterization of n-type GaAs:N δ-doped superlattices
Ryo Kato, Shuhei Yagi, Hiroyuki Yaguchi, Yoshitaka Okada
Compound Semiconductor Week 2017 (P1.21) (Berlin, Germany) 2017. 5. 15
Carrier recombination levels in intermediate-band type GaPN revealed by time resolved and two-wavelength excited photoluminescence
Norihiko Kamata, M. Suetsugu, Md Dulal Haque, Shuhei Yagi, Hiroyuki Yaguchi, F. Karlsson, P. O. Holtz
Compound Semiconductor Week 2017 (B5.6) (Berlin, Germany) 2017. 5. 17
阿内 悠人, 宮寺 哲彦, 小金澤 智之, 近松 真之, 吉田 郵司, 矢口 裕之
第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (14p-313-2) (横浜) 2017. 3. 14
新井 康司, 宮寺 哲彦, 小金澤 智之, 秋山 雄希, 橘 浩昭, 吉田 郵司, 近松 真之, 八木 修平, 矢口 裕之
第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (16p-F201-3) (横浜) 2017. 3. 16
根岸 知華, ドゥラル ハク, 鎌田 憲彦, 矢口 裕之
第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (14p-411-13) (横浜) 2017. 3. 14
n型GaAs:N δドープ超格子の電気的特性評価
加藤 諒, 八木 修平, 岡田 至崇, 矢口 裕之
第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (15p-P16-8) (横浜) 2017. 3.15
五十嵐 大輔, 高宮 健吾, 八木 修平, 伊藤 隆, 秋山 英文, 矢口 裕之
第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (17p-P2-8) (横浜) 2017. 3. 17
1 eV帯InGaAs:N δドープ超格子の作製
梅田 峻平, 八木 修平, 宮下 直也, 岡田 至崇, 矢口 裕之
第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (14p-B6-9) (横浜) 2017. 3. 14
Properties of dilute nitride pseudo-alloys grown using a nitrogen delta-doping technique
Shuhei Yagi, Yoshitaka Okada, Hiroyuki Yaguchi
SPIE Photonics West OPTO (10099-14) (San Francisco, USA) 2017. 1. 31